Length of the tour: ~60 km
On a flood protection levee crest, on a flood controlling levee crest and on public road
Vásárosnamény – Tákos – Csaroda – Márokpapi – Tarpa – Tivadar – Vásárosnamény
You can go along starting from Vásárosnamény on a bicycle path, on the public road number 41, and then on the flood controlling levee crest all the way to Tarpa! (You can download the map: www.szatmarbereg.info )
Tákos: home of the cross stitch of Bereg, you can explore the famous reformed church with its wattle-and-daub.
Csaroda: You can find one of the most beautiful late Roman style rural churches here, the church of the smiling saints.
Márokpapi: You can visit the early gothic style historic church, which was built in the 13th century.
You need to leave the levee crest after Márokpapi. You can ride on a low-traffic public road until Tivadar.
Tarpa: The only remaining dry mill in the Northern area beyond the Tisza can be found here.Viewing the statue of Tamás Esze, the tomb of Endre Bajcsy-Zsilinszky and the medieval reformed church. Visiting the Tarpa Manufacture pálinka distiller and tasting pálinka. You can hike on the high-mountain of Tarpa, get to know the local natural endowments and wildlife with the help of the Szőlőhegy nature trail.
Tivadar: You can take a short walk on the coast of Tisza.You can return to Vásárosnamény by riding on the flood protection levee crest.
Bicycle star tour in Szatmár-Bereg (3 days)
On flood protection levee crest, on a flood controlling levee crest and on public road
Day 1: Vásárosnamény – Tákos – Csaroda – Márokpapi – Tarpa – Vásárosnamény ~60 km
You can go along starting from Vásárosnamény on a bicycle path, on the public road number 41, and then on the flood controlling levee crest all the way to Tarpa! (You can download the map: www.szatmarbereg.info )
Vásárosnamény: Museum of Bereg, Hunting Exhibition. Tákos: Reformed church with a wattle-and-daub. Csaroda: Church of the smiling saints. You need to leave the levee crest after Márokpapi. You can ride on a low-traffic public road until Tivadar.
Tarpa: dry mill, statue of Tamás Esze, tomb of Endre Bajcsy-Zsilinszky, medieval reformed church, Tarpa Manufacture pálinka distiller, high-mountain of Tarpa, Szőlőhegy nature trail. Tivadar: A short walk on the coast of Tisza.You can return to Vásárosnamény by riding on the flood protection levee crest.
Day 2: Vásárosnamény – Olcsvaapáti – Panyola – Kisar – Nagyar – Tivadar – Vásárosnamény ~ 40 km
From Vásárosnamény you can ride on a low-traffic public road to Olcsvaapáti, and then you can take the ferry across the Szamos-river while reminiscing.After this you need to take the road to the levee crest. Panyola: Visiting the Panyolai Szilvórium pálinka distiller. Arriving to Tivadar you can ride on a public road. Kisar: House of Nature visitors centre. Nagyar: Luby Interactive Castle Museum and the antique garden of roses, Petőfi-tree. Turn back to Tivadar, and then you can return to Vásárosnamény on the levee crest.
Day 3: Vásárosnamény – Lónya ~ 60km
You can ride on the levee crest from Vásárosnamény all the way to Lónya. You can explore the characteristics of the cultural landscape of Bereg, wooded pastures, watery meadows; in the distance the patches of forest, which make this landscape so unique. After arriving to Lónya you can visit the reformed church which was built in the 13th century, where beautiful murals were discovered. You can also view the chapel of the Lónyay family.